Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sobering aftermath of Montpelier GMO gathering

Hi Stephen,
Sobering aftermath of GMO gathering in Montpelier from Tim Stevenson.

Thanks, Janet

Carolyn Partridge called late last night, and while there was much that
she talked about (in some ways, it was a version of what Dave Zuckerman
had said at Thursday's rally), the sum and substance was that, yes
indeed, H. 722 was dead in the water, and was so well before we had
arrived at the State House.

At best, it would pass out of her committee this coming week, but would
not likely get beyond the House Judiciary, the full House , much less
even begin to be considered by the Senate Ag, Judiciary, etc. etc.,
given the limited time of the present session

She was very moved by and appreciative of the turn out on Thursday, and
said that the people's testimony had changed the minds two members of
her committee.

And she had no clue as to what Illuzzi was talking about on the
Brattleboro bus that night, since he's not on the Senate Ag Committee,
and that the bill would only have come to one he is on if he
specifically requested it to do so.

So it would all have to start over again next January, with the promise
of a Governor who would veto such a bill, should Shumlin win in
November, and certainly if a Republican should win.

As it has been so abundantly clear to those of us involved with peak
oil, global warming and the the Occupy movement, we're going to have
move beyond the dysfunctional activist paradigm of seeking the desired
change (in this case, eliminating GM food from our diet) from our
elected representatives to one where we actually exert the power and
control in our lives that we need for our survival.

And as it has been on so many occasions over the years—most recently,
the sad history of the Obama administration—the evidence is clearly
there that the system is very, very broke. While we may not like to hear
that our Governor would veto an H.722 bill should it reach his desk, or
Galbraith's statement that the corporations are too powerful and you
can't defeat them, we should at least take seriously what they're really
saying: not that we, the people, cannot prevail over the corporations,
but that we cannot do so as long as we're depending on the Shumlins and
Galbraiths and Obamas of the world to do this job for us. Thursday was
another instance of this lesson; let's hope it is learned and taken to
heart, and acted upon.

We have to step outside the(ir) box, become more imaginative and
creative in what we do, and most of all, assume full responsibility for
our lives.

I will continue to work in this direction as best I can, and will be
most happy to join with others who wish to do likewise, as well.

Thanks, Tim

Tim Stevenson
Founding Director
Post Oil Solutions
802.869.2141 <tel:802.869.2141> <>
<>> wrote: