OVT Communications

The Occupy Vermont network essentially follows a spokes-council model, self limiting to facilitating communication. A detailed description can be found on this blog at <http://occupyyouropinion.blogspot.com/2012/03/occupy-vermont-communications-working.html>. Who precisely is on the statewide list is still in flux, but our preliminary list can be found at the bottom of the above linked blog posting.

This network can also operate as a rapid-response network, and to help develop other communication tools. I have recently had a request for conference calls. We can support web development.

But fundamentally, this is a human infra-structure. People talking with and connecting with other people.

Our tools are:

 * email - for one-to-one, like this.
 * phone - for one-to-one and for conference calls.
 * Google groups - To communicate with the entire ring of state-level
   contacts, especially logistics and ephemeral conversations. If you
   know your topic has philosophical or strategic weight, Please take
   this to the blog, where later readers will have an easier time
   following the development of the ideas.
 * OYO blog, the networking tab - For in depth conversations about the
   network and the communications needs of the movement. Also for all
   other discussions, under other tabs.
 * gatherings - to get real.

If you want help from this network or wish to be part of it, please write to anyone on the list of contacts.